In this life,
almost all of us live in a constant fear about SAFETY, safety of our selves,
safety for our family, safety of our homes, safety of our business and our
belongings and we see so many in our midst going out of our ways to ensure
safety of ourselves, families and belongings.
Let us consider
a very common example from our day to day life, in these days we live under a
constant threat of burglary and we try our best to ensure our houses are
burglar proof, by having number of dogs to guard, using all possible hi-tech
lock systems and even having security guards to do a 24 hours duty, but does
that give us 100% assurance of being safe? But in these situation of our life
let us take some time out to see what the bible promises us, In psalms 127:1 it
says unless
the lord watches over our city, the watchmen stand guard in vain, the
bible very clearly says the ultimate protection comes from the lord,
irrespective of how many guards and safety systems we have in place it is never
enough and we see that happening around us, banks being looted, house being burgled,
belongings being stolen, nations being attacked. Many of us take all precautions
not fall sick or to be a target to sickness but can never fully succeed in
doing so.
But we have a
sure promise in the bible and nobody can prove it otherwise, IF we can recollect
the life of Job, he was a man pleasing to god, he had a righteous living and
God had a hedge around him, due to which satan could not bring any harm against
him and his family (read Job 1:10). The secret behind Job’s safety was the hedge
God himself had built around Job, his family and his possessions.
Dear friend, the
Word of God in Zechariah 2:5 promises us by saying I myself will be a wall of fire
around it,' declares the LORD, 'and I will be its glory within. He God
promises to be the firewall, the hedge around us and to protect us. Are we
aware of this promise, do we acknowledge Gods promise or are we trying to be
safe in our own strength and wealth. If we are doing so it’s time to know we
can never do so, we need to surrender ourselves totally to Jesus and ask him to
be the firewall around us, trust him to watch over us trust him for protection
for us and our family, In John 10:20 Jesus says no
one can snatch them out of my hand. So instead of just worrying and
depending on ourselves to assure our safety, we need to surrender our life,
family and household to Jesus like how Job did and strive to live life pleasing
to God like Job did and trust Jesus to be the firewall around us and surely no
evil will be able to come close to us for our God is consuming fire.
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