Solomon showed his love for the LORD by walking according to the statutes of his father David …… 1 Kings 3:3
The bible tells us the Solomon showed his love for God by walking according to his commands. King David had always urged Solomon to walk according to the commandments of God and to do what pleases God.
The bible has so many commandments for us and it says the greatest commandment is “Love your God with all your heart, mind and body and worship him alone” and the 2nd is “Love your neighbors as yourself.
Many of us love God and our greatest desire is to serve God, but we forget to bear in mind what God’s will for us is. Multiple times in the day we confess to Jesus that we love him. It’s time to ponder if it’s just enough to blurt out and say Jesus I love you or do we really need to mean it, and if we have to mean it how do we do so, Dear child of God, in 1Kings3:3 it says Solomon loved god by walking according to his word, same applies for us, if we really love Jesus it has to show in our actions. I’m now reminded of an old proverb “Actions speak louder than words” and it is so true. Let’s consider our day to day life, and if we keep telling the person (it could be our parents, siblings, spouse, children or friend) we love the most “I love You” 1000 times is a day but do exactly what displeases them and cause them hurt and pain, will the 1000 I love you’s have any impact? on the contrary if we say I love you just once in day and do what will please the heart of a person, will that not have a greater impact? Think about it.
Dear, if we really love Jesus, it’s important for us to do what he says, what he desires. It’s important to turn away from sin and make efforts to live life pleasing to him. The 1st step is to start reading the bible and live according to the bible as Solomon did. 2nd step is God most speaks into our hearts and tell us to do certain things, it could be things like praying the morning, setting some definite time to pray, forgiving people who have hurts us, helping the poor or needy, speaking to people about Jesus (don’t we love to boast about the person we love the most?). Giving up some old habits, if we love God it’s important to honor Gods revelation, it’s time to make and keep up our commitments and surely God will be happy with our deeds and will be sure of our love for him.
Let him not say this to us "'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Mt 15:8.
Let’s make a serious commitment to love and honor our Lord with our hearts by doing what pleases him.
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