Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Will of God

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.  Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

Many times in our lives we come at a phase wherein we need to make a very importance decision may be like whether to take up a job in a particular company, how and where to invest our money or whom to marry, which career path to choose etc etc. Our future is based on this decision we take and we end up thinking, getting puffed up with anxiety, doing a Google research, and sometimes just asking an expert.  The bible assures us in proverbs 3:6 saying to seek the will of god in all that we do and he will show us the path to take.

In every decision big or small right from which college and course to take up to whom to marry we need to ask the lord. And god is faithful to show us the right way.

We need to go to the Lord for every decision we need to take, The bible in 1 Chronicles chapter14 verse 8 onwards tells us that David seeks God’s will before he could go and fight the Philistines and every single time he went to fight against the Philistines he 1st asked for Gods will and God gave him clear instruction of how he should go ahead and that is why David was always victorious in every war he fought. David made sure he had an instruction from the Lord and therefore had victory in the wars he fought.

Dear beloved, today I want to encourage you to be like David and seek God before you have to make any decision big or small which will impact your life or life of people around you in some way or the other. Seek God, entrust the situation to the Jesus, ask him to inspire you which path to take and surely God will speak in your heart, and you will know for yourself when God speaks to you and we will have success in everything we do.

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